Catia V5 Ebook Video And Tutorials For Beginner
CATIA (Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application).Learn the basic command of catia one by one and improve yourself.Catia software are used in infrastructure,machine design,weld design ,part design,mold design,tooling design,drafting,assembly design,sheet metal design.etc.Get the free ebook ,guide and video of catia here.


By catia programmer


Edit -> properties command or properties command in the contextual menu.

The graphic properties available for editing are:

Fill Color (colors the current object) and transparency

Edge Color,Linetype and Weight.

Line and Curve color,Linetype and Weight

Point color and Symbol.

Show and Pick attributes.


Manipulating objects

By catia programmer

1) Select the edit->Undo or undoing action command to reverse the last action. Some actions can not be undone.When this is the case the Undo icon is grayed out.

Select the Edit ->Redo command to recover the last action undone.

Select Edit -> Cut command to cut objects.

Select Edit -> Copy command to copy objects.

Select Edit->Paste comand to paste object at the desired locations.
Edit -> delete command or Delete command in the contextual menu.
Select the object or object you wish to delete ,either in the specifiaction tree or in the geometry tree.


About Me

I am Ravi Prakash from Bhopal (India) Mechanical Engineers working in GEI IND SYS LTD Leader in Air Cooled Steam Condenser and Air Cooled Heat Exchanger .I Love Catia v5 Software very much and tried to make my blog as beautiful as i can . If you have query related to me or my blog email me