By catia programmer
A shaft is a basic obtained from the revolution of 2d profile around an axis .The axix and the profile must be created in the same sketch.
A hole is removing circular material all at once, from an exixting feature.It's lenght can be defined by dimensions or with respect to other 3D elements.various Shape of standard holes can be created>these holes are:
Counterborad hole: The counterbore diameter must be greater than the hole diameter and the hole depth must be greater than the counterbore depth.
Countersunk hole: The contersink diameter must be greater than the hole diatere and the countersink angle must be greater tan 0 and less than 180.
Counterdrilled Hole: The counter diameter must be greater than the hole diamtere ,the hole depth must be greater than the counter drill depth and the counterdrill angle must be greater than 0 and less than 180 degress.
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