Catia V5 Ebook Video And Tutorials For Beginner
CATIA (Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application).Learn the basic command of catia one by one and improve yourself.Catia software are used in infrastructure,machine design,weld design ,part design,mold design,tooling design,drafting,assembly design,sheet metal design.etc.Get the free ebook ,guide and video of catia here.


By catia programmer

Then select a plane or a face on an object.

you can aslo access the Sketcher by selecting the Skectcher icon from any workbench where it is possible to do a sketch.

when you work with other modules, use sketcher icon to access sketcher workbench.

To leave sketcher workbench use leave skectcher icon.


Sketcher Workbench

By catia programmer

In Sketcher ,you can skect and edit 2d profiles. These profiles are then used to generate solids and surfaces.

The capability to define Constraints between elements in the Sketcher allows for quick modification of the Sketch and consequently the Solids or Surface that are based on it.

Other tools such as Animate Constraints enable the user to explore design.


About Me

I am Ravi Prakash from Bhopal (India) Mechanical Engineers working in GEI IND SYS LTD Leader in Air Cooled Steam Condenser and Air Cooled Heat Exchanger .I Love Catia v5 Software very much and tried to make my blog as beautiful as i can . If you have query related to me or my blog email me